Machine electrical source is three live wire and one zero line.Three live wires are respectively connected with row A,B,C ,and zero line with N besides electromagnetism clique public zero line , U,V,W connected with electrical engine of roll forming machine ,U1,V1,W1 with oil pump electrical engine,droping reamer electromagnetism clique control line with K1(11),and ascending reamer electromagnetism clique control line with K2(12).
- SET键修改选择键;ENT键确认键。ESC 已工作长度清零键,ALM 已工作张数清零键,∧,∨画面转换键。CLR 改数时清零键。0——9 数字直选键。
SET is amending and selecting key ;ENT is affirming key ;ESC is the key to clear work longth ;ALM is the key to clear woor sheet numbers; ∧,∨ is menu transition key ;CLR is the key to clear altered numbers.0—9 is keeping choosing key.
Simple operation
Recloser is wrested to close position Before sending electricity (negative hour hand )
- 按下油泵启动钮。注意油泵电机转向。
- Press oil pump start-up button. Notice turnaround of oil pump electrical engine .
- 按住瓦机前进,将板走到刀口外,按住剪刀降切断板,按剪刀升将刀升到上限位。
- Press tile machine and go ahead ,make the plate go to the outer of knife-edge,press scissors and decline to cut off board,press scissors and ascend the reamer to upper limit location.
- 显示工作画面状态下,按ALM键清零当前张数;按ESC键清零当前长度。
- When showing work menu predicament ,press the key of ALM to clear current sheet numbers;press ESC key to clear current length.
- 显示工作画面状态下,按SET键选择长度或张数。(按一次SET键,张数数值被黑框框住,再按一次,长度数值被框住,每按一次SET,张数和长度交替被框住一次,数值只有被框住变成黑色时才可以改变)。按CLR键清零。按数字键输入。(由高位向个位。例:12张;输入1,2。3米4输入3、4、0、0MM)。
- When showing work menu predicament ,press SET key and choose length or sheet numbers.(press once SET key,and count of sheet number is circled by black frame.Press again, length numerical value is circled;Press SET key at a time,sheet number and length is circled by turns, numerical value is changed when it is circled to turn into black ).Press CLR to clear.
- 按ENT键确认。(数值改完必须按ENT键,否则无效)
- Press ENT to make sure(Press ENT after changing numerical value,or else it is of no effect. )
- 全部设完后拧开自动开关(顺时针拧一下),机器按设定数据开始工作。工作完成后机器自动停止。如果相同长度还需要继续工作,只要按一下ALM键(已切张数清零键),机器就会按照显示屏上设定的数再工作一遍。如果需要变换长度应把自动开关拧回。然后再设定下一个生产任务。并且注意下次启动自动前清零已切张数(按一下显示屏上ALM键)。
- After seting up,wrest recloser(wrest in agreeable hour hand ),the machine work according to enacting data,and stop automatically after the work is completed.If it need continue to work with same length,press ALM key(the key to clear woor sheet numbers),the machine will work again according to enacting data of show screen.If it need to chang length , wrest the automatic recloser back.And then enact next production task.And notice before starting up auto next time to clear already cutted sheet numbers(press ALM key in show screen).
- 中途停机只需把自动开关拧回(逆时针拧一下),继续工作时再拧开自动开关即可。
- Wrest automatic recloser if it need to stop machine in midway(negative hour hand);if it continue to work ,you open automatic recloser.
- 如果板的长度和要求不相符,按 ∧ 键或∨ 键至调整画面,在原补偿量基础上重新调整补偿量加或补偿量减。(校正前板长度+补偿量加-补偿量减=校正后板长度)
- If the length of plate does not agree with request,press ∧key or ∨key to adjust menu,and readjust compensate quantity adding or compensate quantity reducing in the base of original compensate quantity.(emending front board length+ compensate quantity adding - compensate quantity reducing=board length after emending)
- 减速距离为变频机用,一般为200毫米,普通机此数值无意义。
- Decelerating distance is used by frequency conversion engine and commonly is 200mm,and general engine is inanition for the numerical value.
Break down exclusion
Manus can work ,but self-motion can’t work;
1 已切张数大于或等于设定张数。处理方法:清零当前张数(按一下ALM键)。
Already cutted sheet nmuber is big in or equal to enacting sheet nmuber.Handling method:to clear current sheet number(press ALM key)
Sheet number or length is not enacted.
Recloser button is damaged.(It can be replaced by LAY3 series knob in random brand)
Manus and self-motion can’t work ,and show screen can’t display.
Electrical source is abnormal.
Fuse is melt and break. Handling method:repalce and examine if electromagnetism valve is damaged.(fuse model is 6A)
Manus and self-motion can’t work ,and pressure table display less than 200V,and shouw screen have show.
Zero line is turnoff. Examine zero line of outer of computer.
If only wrest automatic cutting reamer and go upwards at all times.
1 上限位开关断路性损坏。
Upper limit location switch is turnoff and damaged .

Electromaganetism val Electromaganetism valve ve is locked . Handling method: turn off oil pump,use screwdriver to disclose manus replacement pin of electromaganetism valve in come-and-go .First disclose from the low end, then disclose from two ends in come-and go,until you disclose and feel elasticity by hand .
If only open oil pump,cutting reamer goes upward at all times.
Electromaganetism valve is locked.Handling method: close oil pump , Electromaganetism valve,until you feel elasticity.
If electromaganetism valve is often locked ,you need chang oil and clean out Electromaganetism valve .
Noticng proceeding:
1 Give your attention to safety when the facility is busywork with electrification.The facility is connected with safe ground line.
2 At any time don’t put your hands or eyewinker to knife-edge.
3 electric facility is prevented from rain and sun shine;counter is avoid to strike by forcible matters;line is prevented from bump and break by plate.
4 machine cooperation movement part often add lube.
Address:Yingbin Road Industrial development botou city

全 自 动 压 瓦 成 型 机
Auto sheets roll forming machine
河 北 飞 翔 压 瓦 机 械 制 造 有 限 公 司
Hebei feixiang roll forming machinery Co.,Ltd